Flash: 2025 Workers’ Comp Assessments

The new assessments for funding the Division of Industrial Relations are out for workers’ comp policies, and the total is up again. How much more do they say they need to run the system? What will employers be paying?

Flash: Workers’ Comp TTD/PTD Benefits Increase

California’s average weekly wage increased, so workers’ comp benefits paid by employers are also increasing. How big is the increase, and when will it take effect? Find out right here right now.

Flash: Flash: California Employers Owe Billions

A new analysis of the Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund program shows that California employers owe billions to injured workers who have pre-existing disabilities. How many billions of dollars have regulators added to California’s beleaguered employers costs?


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DIR and DWC Staffing Issues

How many new positions at the Department of Industrial Relations is Governor Newsom asking employers to pay for next year? What needs will the additional staff fulfill?

California Workplace Fatalities Statistics

How do the California workplace fatality statistics compare to the rest of the nation? What changed from the prior year?

Fraud Commission Approves Funding Change

How will the flow of anti-fraud funds be changing in the coming year? Why is more money being redirected to the California Department of Insurance?

PEO Caught With No Coverage By WCAB Judge

A workers' comp claim by an injured employee of a Professional Employer Organization is expos-ing a dirty industry secret. Who is involved and how is the case expanding to drag in other employers?

Privette Doctrine Back to Court

How far down the chain of delegation does the Privette doctrine apply? What does the Fourth District say needs to be reexamined in this negligence case?

Public Agencies Workers’ Comp Experience

How much will we pay to provide workers' comp benefits for California's self-insured cities, counties, special districts, and other public sector employees' claims? How do the numbers compare to prior fiscal years?

Former Insured Attempts To Collect Judgement From Applied Underwriters’ CIC

Are former insureds still blocked from recovering monies owed by Applied Underwriters and California Insurance Company? One attorney is asking a court to say no in one case. Get the details here.

Unfair Competition Lawsuits in Gig Industry

New litigation about unfair competition in the hospitality industry over alleged employee misclassifications. Who is taking on who? And why?

Biosimilars and Cannabis In Workers’ Comp

What is the Division of Workers' Compensation Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee recommending for the emerging class of biosimilar medications? When does it plan to take action on cannabis in workers' comp?

2024’s Biggest News

The turning of a new year is an opportunity to reflect on the key developments of the prior year. What were the top stories of 2024? Workers' Comp Executive placed this story in front of its fire-wall so non-subscribers can see what they're missing. Click here

Changes For Contractor Workers’ Comp Exemption

The Contractors State Licensing Board approved a plan to continue an exemption from workers' comp for contractors that operate without employees but increases penalties for those who cheat. Who would be covered, and what are the proposed penalties for those caught cheating?