Applied Underwriters Investigations

Our coverage is listed below with the newest coverage at the top.

Former Insured Attempts To Collect Judgement From Applied Underwriters’ CIC

Are former insureds still blocked from recovering monies owed by Applied Underwriters and California Insurance Company? One attorney is asking a court to say no in one case. Get the details here.

Court Approves Repayment of State’s CIC Conservation Costs

What is behind the latest tranche of expenses for the on-going conservation and rehabilitation of California Insurance Company? How much has the five-year-old process cost so far?

No Reconsideration In CIC Case

Why did the San Mateo court reject a request for reconsideration of the California Insurance Company rehabilitation plan? What did one party want the court to do?

Applied Underwriters’ CIC

Applied Underwriters' / California Insurance Company again tried to overturn of the state's rehabilitation plan. And again it failed. Why did the court of appeal reject it and what comes next?

Party To CIC Rehabilitation Seeks Costs, 10% Interest Award

Why is a former California Insurance Company policyholder asking the Court to revisit the rehabilitation plan it approved earlier this year? What are they asking for?

Court Approves California Department’s Rehabilitation Plan

The long-awaited decision in the California Insurance Company rehabilitation plan is out. But will the saga continue?

No Surprise: CIC Files Opposition To Tentative Rehab Order

Why does Applied Underwriters say a San Mateo Superior Court judge got it wrong in her tentative decision to wrap up the conservation of California Insurance Company? Details from its opposition are here.
The Applied Underwriters Saga Continues…

Conservation Court Confirms CDI Consequences

The court issued a "scathing" rebuke of Applied Underwriters and California Insurance Company in conservation. The EquityComp program is still the subject of intense litigation. What's the latest in the four-year-old conservation proceeding?

“Scathing” Court Order about Applied Underwriters / CIC / Equity Comp

The EquityComp debacle continues with the Court in change of rehab issuing a “scathing” decision concerning Applied Underwriters and California Insurance Company. Here’s the latest in the four-year-old conservation proceeding?  

Applied Underwriters’ / CIC Conservation Costs Top $12M – So Far

Who’s driving up the cost of overseeing California Insurance Company’s conservation? How much is the latest, but not the last, bill?
Former Policyholders Get Choice of Settlement…

CIC Rehabilitation Gets Closer

The state's plan for ushering California Insurance Company out of California is a step closer to completion. Former policyholders with litigation against Applied / CIC will get them settled. How has the rehabilitation plan changed, and what is the next step in the process?

State Preparing Final Order To Usher CIC Out of California

The conservation of Applied Underwriters' California Insurance Company took a momentous step forward with the court adopting the state's rehabilitation plan. But there are always issues, and the Earth must get scorched.

California Insurance Company Kicked Out?

A final decision is still pending, but the Judge overseeing California Insurance Company’s conservation gave a big clue as to how she plans to rule. Get the details here.

Applied Underwriters’ CIC Rehabilitation Delayed But A Decision Is Coming

When might the Applied Underwriters' California Insurance Company conservation saga end? A new judge is getting up to speed in preparation for a final hearing. We do know that it will end with the carrier's expulsion from California.

The Fight Continues for CDI’s Applied Underwriters Records

How far must a state agency go when responding to a public records act request? A watchdog agency says it is further than what the California Department of Insurance did when responding to its appeal. Get the details here.
Applied Underwriters’ Continues to Fight …

Final Arguments Before Hearing On CIC Rehabilitation Plan?

The California Department of Insurance and Applied Underwriters’ battle to get the last word in before a crucial hearing on California Insurance Company’s future. What did each have to say? And h Click here … how will it affect California policyholders?
Former Policyholders Still Have Time…

Applied Underwriters’ CIC To Fight Insurance Department Rehab Plan

Applied Underwriters says it has evidence that a central tenet of the California Department of Insurance’s proposed rehabilitation plan for California Insurance Company is unnecessary. Did CDI officials admit as much under oath? Get the details here.

SCOTUS Rejects Applied Underwriters’ Appeal In CIC Conservation

What did the U.S. Supreme Court think of Applied Underwriters’ petition for certiorari in the California Insurance Company case? Apparently, not much. Get the details about its ruling here. 

The Applied Underwriters’ Saga Continues ….

NY, Connecticut Want In On The CIC Rehabilitation Plan

What's at stake for New York and Connecticut in the California Insurance Company rehabilitation? The states lay out their concerns and requests in new filings.

No Surprise: CIC Pushes Back Against Proposed Rehab Plan

Applied Underwriters says a proposed rehabilitation plan for its California Insurance Company goes too far. California wants the carrier gone from the state and to remove and protect policyhold-ers from affiliates managed by the same people.

Conservation Court Rejects New Mexico’s AG

Does New Mexico have a legitimate stake in the California Insurance Company conservation? A California court says not really, but its interests can be heard, just not in a meaningful way.
Applied Underwriters’- The Tale of Two Lobbyists – And Contributions …

Judge Considers Watchdog’s Public Records Dispute With Lara

How far down the rabbit hole is the California Department of Insurance required to go to find records related to a public records act request? A Los Angeles court expresses some thoughts, but a final decision is still pending.

California Department Opposes New Mexico Intervention

New Mexico's Attorney General is attempting to become a party to the conservation of Applied Underwriters' California Insurance Company. California just says no, and the Court will likely agree again.

New Applied Underwriters / CIC Employer Claim Deadlines

New deadlines for filing a claim against Applied Underwriters and California Insurance Company over the EquityComp and SolutionOne programs are coming. When and what are the 3 settlement options? How will these disputes be resolved?

Applied / CIC Auditor Resigns – California Tightens Controls

What actions prompted Applied Underwriters’ / California Insurance Company’s independent auditor suddenly quit? What new safeguards has the court-appointed Conservator instituted to protect policyholders? And what inferences can be made about how management is conducting business?

The Continuing Saga of Applied Underwriters….

New Mexico AG Seeks Intervention In CIC Conservation Case

New Mexico’s Attorney General is back in a California court with a new filing. It appears he is not bringing anything new except delays to the debate over the ongoing conservation of Applied Underwriters’ California Insurance Company.
California Insurance Company Continues in Conservation…

Federal Court Rejects Applied Underwriters’ Again

Why did Applied Underwriters' add another to its continuing series of losses the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal? What's next in the ongoing conservation saga of its California Insurance Company?

Ninth Circuit Dismisses Applied Underwriters’ Lawsuit

The Ninth Circuit delivered a devastating blow to Applied Underwriters' attempt to avoid the rehabilitation of its California Insurance Company. How did the court use Applied's own words against itself to dismiss the lawsuits? The full details are here.

Applied Underwriters Must Face New Jersey Action

After years of litigation and delay, Applied Underwriters is being ordered to respond to New Jersey officials, as it was in California and other states, over its use of an unfiled and unapproved collateral agreement. Where will the showdown take place?

Employer Loses Challenge Against Applied Underwriters

An employer lodged fraud and breach of contract claims against Applied Underwriters. What prompted the dis-pute and why does a court say the case was properly dismissed?
The Applied Underwriters’ Legal Saga…

Court Rejects CIC’s Demand To Compel

Continuing its scorched earth litigation strategy, Applied Underwriters’ unit California Insurance Company and the Department of Insurance were back in court over discovery issues. Why did the judge reject CIC’s points?
It’s a continuing Saga…

Ninth Circuit Sets Hearing In Applied Underwriters’ Dispute

Applied Underwriters will get its day in the Ninth Circuit, but not the day it wanted. What’s on the docket and when will the hearing take place?

New Mexico Attorney General Supports Applied Underwriters’

What dog does the New Mexico Attorney General have in the on going fight between Applied Underwriters and Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara? When will that fight come to a head?

Applied Underwriters’ Gets Faster Briefings, But No Expedited Hearing

The ongoing conservation of California Insurance Company is spawning more litigation – much of it duplicative of earlier actions. What is the carrier asking for now and why does the Department say it should be denied?

Federal Court Rejects Applied Underwriters…Again

Applied Underwriters’ lost its latest attempt to upend California’s conservatorship of California Insurance Com-pany. Is a federal judge losing his patience with the troubled group? Get the story here.
CDI Transparency Questioned

Lobbyists Sue Applied Underwriters For $2M Fee

Applied Underwriters hasn’t paid its bills according to two former Assemblymen turned lobbyists. The lawsuit they filed is raising questions about the California Department of Insurance’s commitment to transparency and fair dealing. Who all is involved in the lawsuit and what did it reveal about the Department? Premium subscribers can the story here.
New Mexico AG Wants In…

Commissioner Lara v Applied Underwriters Back In Court

A federal judge will hear a familiar argument next week in the ongoing litigation between Applied Underwriters and the California Department of Insurance. Why is the New Mexico Attorney General looking to have a say in the matter? Get the latest details by clicking here.
Scorching the Earth …

Applied Underwriters Gets A Win In Discovery Dispute

What documents did the court say Applied Underwriters could have? Who will be called for depositions? The details are right here.
As Federal Case Crumbles…

Applied Seeks To Delay New Mexico Penalty Hearing

Applied Underwriters suffers another defeat in court. What’s next in its fight to regain control of California Insurance Company? Get the story here.
Scorched Earth Strategy Fail …

Applied Underwriters’ Anti-SLAPP Motion Rejected

Applied Underwriters’ suffered another setback in court. What did the hearing reveal about how it plans to attack a proposed rehabilitation plan for California Insurance Company? And most importantly, how will former Equi-tyComp policyholders be made whole? Get the details here.

Applied Underwriters’ Prevented From Pulling Assets Out of California

California Department of Insurance officials say Applied Underwriters is engaging in more legal double-speak as it seeks to take assets out of California. How much does it want and why? Get the story here.

New Mexico is Threatening Applied Underwriters’ New Carrier

Applied Underwriters’ planned exit route from California for its California Insurance Company subsidiary may soon be blocked. What action is another state taking and why? Click here for the details.
Attempting Another End-Run Around CDI? …

Applied Underwriters Asks Brokers to Write References to CDI

The California Department of Insurance has seized and conserved Applied Underwriters’ California Insurance Company. The carrier not only is asking brokers for a reference letter but appears to be telling brokers a completely different story than what CDI is saying in its filings. Is the company making yet another attempt to circumvent state regulation? Get the unbelievable but true details here.

Appeals Court Denies Applied Underwriters’ Writ

More legal hammers for Applied Underwriters in not one but two states. What and where were the latest losses? Get the story here.
The Saga Continues …

Applied Underwriters’ / CIC Tries for Better Results in Different Courts

Applied Underwriters and California Insurance Company are going the scorched earth litigation route it is known for. It wants to end the California Department of Insurance Conservation order. What courts it looking to and what is its latest strategy? Get the details here.

🚨 Read it Yourself – What Does CDI Say About Applied Underwriters’/ CIC

After some consideration in our newsroom we made the decision to provide CDI’s summary – the points and authorities – directly to you– without filters or interpretation – so you can decide what to make of it. Get the details by clicking here.


The California Department of Insurance filed a plan for taking out Applied Underwriters’ California Insurance Company. It is devastating to management and may have implications for affiliates. Get the first of many of the details by clicking here.

Applied Underwriters’ / CIC Rehabilitation Plan Pushed Back Again

The rehabilitation of Applied Underwriters’ California Insurance Company continues. The planned release of a rehabilitation plan is being pushed back. Will the carriers lose their certificate to operate in California? When and how will aggrieved employers, already in litigation, get a chance? Get the details here.
California Insurance Company Tried Another End Run …

Motion To Vacate Applied Underwriters’ CIC Conservation Denied

Applied Underwriters Affiliate California Insurance Company’s attempted another end run around California regulators. Here is the state of the conservation, Find out when the rehabilitation plan be public by clicking here.

Applied Underwriters’ / CIC Back to Negotiating

After months of delays and general inaction, developments are happening fast in the case of the conservation of Applied Underwriters’ affiliate California Insurance Company. What’s driving the sudden movement towards a resolution? Get the details by clicking here.

Court Approves Public Release Of CIC Rehabilitation Plan

The nine-month-old conservation of Applied Underwriters’ affiliate California Insurance Company might have turned a corner towards resolution. What happened and how might it affect the numerous grievances that employers have with its parent company Applied Underwriters? Get the details on the development and how you will be able to participate by clicking here.
Losing California Certificate of Authority…

Applied Underwriters’ California Ins Company More Controversial Acts

Applied Underwriters’ California Insurance Company has been operating under state oversight for the past eight months. Is the conservation coming to an end? Get the latest details by clicking here.

Lawsuit Alleges Lack Of Transparency By Lara, CDI

Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara and the Department tried to put a fundraising scandal in the rear-view mirror, but did they create a new scandal in the process? A watchdog group says they did and are asking a court to intervene. Click here for the details.

Nebraska Court Kicks Case To California

The court losses are mounting for Applied Underwriters in its attempts to haul employers into Nebraska courts. Why is that state’s court’s refusing the cases? Get the latest details here.

📍New Mexico Balks at CIC Conservation Order

The purported sale/merger/redomestication of California Insurance Company is becoming surreal. Did CDI seize the carrier? Does the carrier even exist? Get the latest by clicking here.

🚨Seized California Insurance Company (AppliedUnderwriters')

Applied Underwriters’ California Insurance Company is now operating under a court-ordered conservatorship according to the California Department of Insurance. Click here for the latest in this developing story.

CDI: Applied Merger Needed Prior Approval

Like all things Applied, clarity is at best opaque and perhaps obscure. And the present situation is no different. Was there a sale or not? Was there a merger or not? As the 1940s radio program The Shadow’s tagline used to say: “Who knows what evil lurks within the hearts of men?” Get what we know so far here ….

The Saga Applied Underwriters’ – Veracity or Verbosity…

Applied CIC – Admitted or Not? Are In-force Polices In-Force?

Is Applied’s CIC Admitted in California or not? It’s has stopped quoting new and renewal business. Are existing in-force policies in force or not? These and other questions are answered in this edition of the Saga Applied Underwriters’ – Veracity or Verbosity – Click here for an amazing read …

CDI Rejects Applied Sale; Blocks Escape To New Mexico

More Applied Underwriters Confusion. The California Department says it may have lost its certificate of authority its polices may not be legal. What a mess. Read it here.

Holy Moly! CDI Didn’t Approve Applied Sale

Did Applied Underwriters and Berkshire Hathaway defy California regulators in moving forward with the change in ownership? We’ve got the official statement from the Department in this developing story. Get the details here.

Yawn: Berkshire Finally Unloads Troubled Applied Underwriters’

The delayed sale of Applied Underwriters is finally complete. What conditions did the regulators impose? Get the details here.

CDI Judge Rejects Lara Pressure in Applied Underwriters’ Case

A fight breaks out between the California Insurance Department Judges and the Lara Administration. CDI officials are ramping up pressure on its independent administrative law judges hearing an Applied Underwriters’ cases. The judges aren’t caving. Read about it here.

Applied Underwriters- Is the Sale In Trouble?

Applied Underwriters missed a key deadline in its plan to break off from Berkshire Hathaway and millions of dollars are now at risk. What’s the latest in the controversial deal?

Lichtenegger Demands CDI Hold Funds From Applied Carriers

The pending sale of Applied Underwriters has former insureds and current litigants concerned. What protections are they seeking from the California Department of Insurance? Get the details here.

Deeper Industry Ties Emerge For Lara

By: Brad Cain & Dale Debber

New facts shire a bright light on embattled California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara’s troubles. As more details emerge the question arises about how long he will be able to continue in office. Click here for the newest revelations…

Lara Faces Challenges to Authority

Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara is facing new challenges in the Applied Underwriters cases that have come before the Department. What’s the latest twist in this on-going story? Click here.

Another ALJ Rejects Lara’s Interference

By: J Dale Debber

Ricardo Lara Spanked by Administrative Law Judges in another Applied Underwriters’ case. Get the dope (and some enlightenment)

The Commissioner is an Executive in A Judicial Capacity

By: J Dale Debber
The actions of Commissioner Lara may untimely cost him his job. Herein are some proposed preventive actions policymakers can take.

Lara Sued Over Applied Underwriters Case Reversals

By: Dale Debber and Brad Cain

Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara’s troubles from the Applied Underwriters’ mess are growing. A important new legal front is opening up. Get the latest by clicking here.

ALJ Rejects Lara’s Order In Applied Underwriters’ Decision

By: Dale Debber and Brad Cain

A California Department of Insurance administrative law judge just said no to embattled Commissioner Ricardo Lara. It is in another Applied Underwriters case. And the decision by the ALJ may be very telling concerning recent moves by the Commissioner. Get the story here.

Applied Underwriters Rating Downgraded

The pending sale of Applied Underwriters is taking a toll on its credit rating. What action was taken and will it be the last? Get the details here.

Lara Continues To Intervene In Applied Underwriters’ Cases

By: Dale Debber and Brad Cain

Troubling revelations continue to emerge from the Lara campaign contribution scandal involving contributions from individuals linked to Applied Underwriters. It also mdeans more trouble for former EquityComp participants. Get the story here.

Lara Took Money Before Favorable Actions in Applied Cases

By: Dale Debber

Everyone knows that California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara took money into his 2020 campaign from individuals related to Applied Underwriters. The evidence in the timeline of events strongly suggests that he took official actions after receiving Applied Underwriters’ money. Click here for the details…

Applied Underwriters’ Sold to Cayman Islands Company

Applied Underwriters’ has been sold. Find out to whom and read why some people think it was done.

Applied Underwriters Selling Off Assets

Applied Underwriters is for sale and a deal is at hand. What else is being sold off? Get the details here.

Applied Underwriters’ Sale Moving

Berkshire Hathaway plans to offload a key workers’ comp subsidiary. What’s the latest in the sale of Applied Underwriters?

Applied Underwriters Losing, Settling Multiple EquityComp Disputes

What’s the latest from the continuing battle lines between employers and Applied Underwriters EquiyComp Program? New cases are being filed - and won - all the time. A new decision is in and another settled. Get the latest developments by clicking here.

Applied Underwriters Loses On Arbitration – Again

Why did a court of appeal say Applied Underwriters can’t enforce an arbitration clause? Get the details here.
CDI Finds they Overcharged Employer…

Applied Underwriters Ignored X-Mod Change

An Applied Underwriters company’s failure to file key documents has it in trouble again with state regulators. What was kept from the California Department of Insurance and how did it impact what one employer had to pay? Get the story here.

NJ Notices Suspension of Applied Underwriters

New Jersey’s Insurance Commissioner is taking on Applied Underwriters over its unfiled and unapproved reinsurance participation agreements. What are the potential penalties and when might they take effect? Get the details here.

Applied Underwriters’ Reportedly For Sale

Has Warren Buffett tired of the shenanigans at his troubled Applied Underwriters subsidiary? The unit has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons and a new report says a split is coming. Click here.

Applied Underwriters Appeals Again To California Supreme Court

The Berkshire Hathaway subsidiary is going back to the California Supreme Court again. How many times is it now and will the outcome be any different than before? Get the details here.

Ninth Circuit Kicks Applied Underwriters’ Trademark Infringement Lawsuit

The verdict is in and the Ninth Circuit backed the little guy in a fight brought by Applied Underwriters and its parent Berkshire Hathaway. Get the full details by clicking here.

Forced To Make Refunds…

Applied Underwriters’ EquityComp RPA Voided Thrice Over

It’s one, two, three strikes you’re out for Applied Underwriters in recent decisions at the California Department of Insurance. Dozens of others are waiting in the wings. What are the key takeaways? Get the story here.

Applied Underwriters’ Can’t Force Arbitration

Court decisions against Applied Underwriters EquityComp Program and its unfiled and unapproved EquityComp reinsurance participation agreement are stacking up. Employers are beginning to see money results and out of long-term debts. Which court just ruled against the Berkshire Hathaway subsidiary and why? Get the details here.

Applied Underwriters’ Loses Arbitration Appeal Again

Applied Underwriters found itself on the losing end of another argument over the enforceability of key provisions in its EquityComp reinsurance participation agreement. What were the court’s key take-aways? Get the story here.

Not the First Denial…

U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Applied Underwriters Again

U.S. Supreme Court backs employers in Applied Underwriters fights. What were the issues and how does it affect other fights? Get the story here.

Oral Arguments Set in Applied Underwriters’ v Providence Publications

So far, Applied Underwriters’ has lost in court every single step of the way. When are the orals?

Broker Pulled into Applied Underwriters’ EquityComp Lawsuits

Legal battles between Applied Underwriters’ and employers regarding the EquityComp program are dragging brokers deeper into the fray with steep financial implications. One broker recently got bad news from the courts. Get the details here.

CDI’s Court Clogged With Applied Underwriters’ EquityComp Cases

Employers by the dozen are aksing for the California Department of Insurance’s help in their fight with Applied Underwriters. Numerous remedies are being floated. What are they seeking? Get the details here.

Massive Appellate Loss for Applied Underwriters’

Employers fighting for their day in court with Applied Underwriters are a big step closure under the terms of a new decision. What does the Fourth District have to say about the legality of the reinsurance participation agreement in Applied’s EquityComp program? Click here for the details.

In Nebraska Supreme Court …

Applied Underwriters Loses Again

Employers were back in another court fighting a common battle with Applied Underwriters. Employers came away with a third straight win on the issue, but at what cost? Get the story here.

Applied Underwriters’ Loses Another Arbitration - Appeals

Applied Underwriters is back in the courts with a new version of an old argument. What’s at stake this time around?
Good Loss Ratio No Matter: Applied Wants More than the Max

Applied Underwriters’ Must Face Fraud Charges

Yet another California employer will get its day in court against Applied Underwriters. Why does Applied want more than the Maximum it appeared to promise? What was the premium? How much were the losses? What are the claims and where will they be heard?
Applied Underwriters’ Continuing Saga …

Court Rejects Attempts To Limit Discovery

By: Brad Cain
Employers and Applied Underwriters are sparring over discovery requests in a pair of class actions. What documents will the Berkshire Hathaway subsidiary now have to produce under court order? Get the story here.

CDI Bars Applied Underwriters’ From Re-Litigating Issues

By: Brad Cain
Applied lost another round in front of CDI’s Judge Kristin Rossi. More cases against Applied Underwriters EquityComp program will be decided faster and less expensively. What was the order and how will it speed up resolution of the disputes? More importantly what employers might it apply to? Get the story here.

Applied Underwriters Loses Two in Arbitration, Owes Employers

By: Brad Cain
Applied Underwriters forced two employers into mandatory arbitration over its EquityComp program, but the outcome was not what it expected. How much is it on the hook for?

Applied Underwriters Loses a Big One – Forced Arbitration Ruled Out

By: Brad Cain

It didn’t work when Applied Underwriters EquityComp program attempted and failed to force two more California employers into arbitration rather than duke it out in the courts. An Appellate court refused to enforce an arbitration provision – Learn why it matters and why the decision was made – click right here.

Mixed Ruling In Applied Underwriters Class Action

By: Brad Cain
The courts weighed in on another dispute between California employers and Applied Underwriters over its EquityComp and SolutionOne programs. What allegations are moving forward? Get the story here.

Troubles for Applied Underwriters in New York

By: Brad Cain
Applied Underwriters’ litigation with former clients is causing it to post millions in bonds as security deposits. How much is the Berkshire Hathaway subsidiary having to put up and where? Get the details here.
Applied Underwriters Appeals Arbitration Decision

Applied Underwriters Appeals Arbitration Decision16

Why is Applied Underwriters taking an arbitration decision to court when arbitration is what it typically pursues in disputes? Did the tables get turned? Get the story here.
Applied Underwriters’ Equity Comp Program Problems Continue...

Fights Over Applied Underwriters “Excessive” Charges Are Multiplying

By: Brad Cain
Applied Underwriters settled with the state over its EquityComp program. Its capitulation is emboldening a growing number of employers to challenge its payment demands. How and where are the finding relief? Is Applied standing by the terms of its deal? Get the latest by clicking here.

Judge Sanctions Applied Underwriters’

By: Brad Cain

Applied Underwriters’ is sanctioned by a federal court in its own backyard. What did the Berkshire Hathaway subsidiary do or not do to bring about this judicial rebuke? Get the story here.

What Really Is The Cost of Doing Business with Applied?

Applied Underwriters Appeals to Supreme Court $10,000 Case

By: Dale Debber
Applied Underwriters is continuing its fight to force a small employer into arbitration. When did the fight start and how far is Applied willing to take it? Get the latest by clicking here.
Applied Underwriters’ SolutionOne…

Court Rejects Applied’s Motions

By: Brad Cain
Another California employer in a fight with Applied Underwriters over the terms of its side agreements won a recent battle in court. Get the story here.

“Total Defeat” For Applied Underwriters’ EquityComp Program

By: Dale Debber

Rumored settlement between California Department of Insurance and Applied Underwriters is now official. CDI saiys: “Berkshire Hathaway subsidiary’s bait and switch marketing tactics halted by regulator agreement” How will this affect California employers? Get the story here.

EquityComp Settlement -Nothing For Existing Customers

By: Brad Cain

CDI and EquityComp Settlement won’t change anything for previous policyholders. Read why right here.

CDI’s Secret Deal With Applied Underwriters?

By: Brad Cain

Have California Department of Insurance and the Berkshire Hathaway subsidiary settled there differences? If so, what does this mean for insureds? Why isn’t the Department talking? Get the story here.

Void and Unenforceable as a matter of law…

Applied Underwriters’ Fights CDI Cease & Desist

By: Brad Cain
Applied Underwriters and the California Department of Insurance’s date with destiny is at hand. What are the issues on the eve of their courtroom showdown over the EquityComp program? Get the details here.

APPLIED: Class Action Against Applied Underwriters Approved

By: Brad Cain

Applied Underwriters is in even more trouble. This time in New York. It is facing another class-action lawsuit over its use of unfiled and unapproved reinsurance participation agreements (RPAs). What the judge in New York said is very interesting. Get the story here.

Court Rejects Applied Underwriters Stay Request

A court holds that Applied Underwriters’ EquityComp Program remains void and unenforceable. It is under a cease and desist order. Find out why and how and more importantly if the company is disobeying the California Commissioner.

Applied Underwriters’ Thumbs Its Nose At CDI

By: Brad Cain

Is Applied Underwriters disrespecting Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones by violating the terms of the cease and desist order it signed. A prominent attorney says it is and here’s how. Get the full story by clicking here.

CDI in Courtroom Showdown With Applied Underwriters’

By: Brad Cain

Applied Underwriters and the state are due to square off in court over Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones’ decision in the Shasta Linen case. What are the latest arguments refuting Applied’s allegations of harm and loss? Get the details here.

EquityComp’s Questionable Legality Losing Business for Applied

By: Brad Cain
Applied Underwriters is continuing its fight with Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones over its EquityComp program, but the fight is taking a toll. What’s been the overall impact? Get the story here.

Applied’s Troubles Generate National Coverage

Applied Underwriters is in the news again and this time its national news. What’s the latest in its on-going fights with regulators and policyholders? Get the details here.

Applied Appeals To Avoid Arbitration

By: Brad Cain
Applied Underwrites found itself in court recently arguing against arbitration in one of its disputes with a former insured. Why and how did the shoe end up on the other foot? Get the story here.

A M Best Says Outlook Negative For Applied Underwriters

By: Brad Cain

A key rating agency issued a negative warning about Applied Underwriters’ and its workers’ comp carriers. What concerns analysts at A.M. Best about the future of Applied Underwriters’ and its ties to Berkshire Hathaway? Get the details here.

Applied Underwriters – Continuing Investigation …

Applied In Apparent Violation of CDI Consent Decree

By: Brad Cain

Has Applied Underwriters found a way around a key provision of the consent order it signed with the California Department of Insurance? Department officials say they are looking into the company’s change in behavior.

Applied’s SolutionOne Targeted in New Lawsuit

By: Brad Cain
Applied Underwriters is being sued by another employer over its use of unfiled and unapproved reinsurance participation agreements (RPAs). This time it’s the SolutionOne program. And there is a unique damages theory. The case also raises new questions about where the money goes once employers pay into the program. Get the details here.

Applied Knuckles Under On Unfiled RPAs

By: Brad Cain

Applied Underwriters EquityComp Program is effectively dead in California. Applied agreed to and signed a “Stipulated Consent Cease and Desist Order” and to stop selling unfiled reinsurance participation agreements and other concessions. There are many more terms and conditions you can read right here.

Applied: CDI Backtracks On Cease & Desist Order

Applied Underwriters’ Equity Comp Program: To Cease and Desist or Not to Cease and Desist? Yes appears to be the answer although to which is the question. To find out what the confusion and disarray are about click here

Applied: And A Fight Breaks Out!

Applied Underwriters is making bold moves to protect its interests. But are the veracity of all of its its assertions accurate? The Department has responded it its own fashion, and its sticking to the legality of the cease and desist. Others question the facts in the fact sheet and more … Get the story here …

Market Alert Berkshire Cos is Now Competing with Applied

Other Berkshire Hathaway carriers can now write business coming out of Applied Underwriters. More importantly learn the dangers lurking in the move … Click here to read this…


It’s curtains in California for Applied Underwriters’ EquityComp Program in total and also for SolutionOne Program to the extent it uses unfiled agreements. The California Commissioner ordered it cease and desist selling new and renewal programs.

A Defiant Applied Underwriters Continues On

By: Dale Debber

The controversy continues as Applied Underwriters’ figuratively flips off the Department – you’ll have to read it to believe it. Click here …

For Selling the Applied Underwriters Deal…

Shasta Linen Settles With Broker

By: Brad Cain
Another broker who sold its client Applied Underwriters’ EquityComp Program has settled the lawsuit filed against it. This is not the first broker to settle and likely won’t be the last. Read about it here

Commissioner: Applied Underwriters’ Mislead Department

Applied Underwriters EquityComp Program has been termed illegal by California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones. Here are the details of his announcement and links to the pertinent documents.

Applied Underwriters' Accounting Challenged in Lawsuit

By: Brad Cain

Applied Underwriters’ Equity Comp program is being sued again and this time the insured is trying to find out how Applied calculates bills. It might not be so easy. Click here to see the gory details …

Applied Underwriters Hit With $100M Class Action

By: Brad Cain
Applied Underwriters is facing another lawsuit over its EquityComp program. Are you covered by the proposed class action lawsuit? Find out by clicking here.

Vermont Bans Applied Underwriters’ SolutionOne

Vermont has forced Applied Underwriters SolutionOne program to stop writing business and to make refunds. Read about its latest regulatory run in right here right now…

Oh No! SolutionOne Too?

By: Brad Cain

Applied Underwiters’ isn’t just in trouble for its EquityComp program. It’s SolutionOne program now has similar issues plus a big lawsuit asking for punitive damages. Read it here …

Make Applied Underwriters’ EquityComp Decision Precedential, Lawyer Urges CDI

Calls to make the Departments decision in Applied Underwriters EquityComp precedential so it applies to all employers are being sent to the Department.

Voided Applied Underwriters EquityComp RPA Update

By: Brad Cain

What is the story with the California Department’s decision declaring the RPA void? – Does it or doesn’t it apply to only one insured? Here’s the knowledge you need. Click here …

CDI Voids Applied Underwriters’ EquityComp Program RPA

By: Brad Cain

Applied Underwriters’ Equity Comp program’s main contract, the Reinsurance Participation Agreement has been deemed void by the CDI because it has not been filed and approved. This was a victory for California employer Shasta Linen in a case before the Department.

Missing the Point on Applied Underwriters’ EquityComp Program

CDI Side Agreement Regs Deadline Looms

By: Brad Cain
Is the California Department of Insurance “behind the curve” on its file and approve regulations for workers' comp collateral agreements? One insider thinks so. Will the Department remedy the issue? Get the story here.

Applied Attempts & Fails To Silence Webcast

By: Dale Debber

Applied Underwriters sued Workers’ Comp Executive to prevent the upcoming webcast about its Equity Comp program. The Court refused to issue a Temporary Restraining Order. Will they try again? Here’s Dale’s take on some of the details of the lawsuit – which we’ll share if you want to read it. (Oh and the webcast is still going on …)

EquityComp Program Subject Of Industry Webinar

By: Brad Cain
Applied Underwriters EquityComp workers’ comp program is the focus of a new industry webinar for brokers and employers. What do you need to know about the ins and outs of this program?

Applied Underwriters Facing Another Employer Lawsuit

By: Brad Cain
Applied Underwriters is facing another lawsuit over its EquityComp program. Who is the plaintiff this time and what are the common complaints? Premium subscribers can find out right here right now…

Carriers Attack CDI Side Agreement Rules

By: Brad Cain
The California Department of Insurance is determined to protect consumers, including business consumers by creating regulations consistent with California law that requires carriers file and get approved collateral or side agreements that modify policies before they are used. Carriers remain opposed to proposed rules that level the playing field between them and employers and provide clear guidelines for modifying workers' comp policy terms. How close is the Department to wrapping up the issue? Get the latest here.

ALJ Considers Legality of Applied Underwriters’ EquityComp

By: Brad Cain
Many other cases in courts around the country are seeking the same declaration that the RPA is void and unenforceable as well as damages. Workers’ Comp Executive will have more stories in the coming weeks about the other lawsuits.

APPLIED: Broker Lawsuits Tied To Controversial EquityComp Deals

By: Brad Cain
A controversial workers' comp program was already generating lawsuits against the carrier but now brokers are beginning to feel the heat. What are the allegations being levied against the brokers? Get the details here.

Carriers Consolidating Portend Profits

A new report says the insurance industry is ripe for a new wave of consolidations. What's driving the deals and how are they lining up?

APPLIED: Decision Over Unfiled Agreement Due Soon

By: Brad Cain
Is a decision in a long-running dispute between Berkshire Hathaway's Applied Underwriters and a Sacramento-area employer in the offing. Get the latest in the fight over unfiled collateral agreements by clicking here.
Special in-depth reportage

Federal Judge Rules Unfiled Side Agreements Illegal

By: Brad Cain
A federal judge issues a key ruling on the legality of side agreements to California workers' comp policies. When are they enforceable and what is the deciding factor? The Department also chimes in on the importance of the decision. Get the story here.
Investigation: Multiple Lawsuits Pending…

APPLIED: Filed Rates Have No Impact On What Client Pays

By: Brad Cain
Applied Undewrwriters EquityComp program is under fire and the some of the testimony is stunning. Click here

Fraud Case Filed Against Applied Underwriters EquityComp

By: Brad Cain
Applied Underwriters is facing fraud allegations from a California employer regarding its EquityComp program. What is the employer alleging and how will the case be resolved? Get the details here.

Berkshire Hathaway’s EquityComp Program Problems

By: Brad Cain
Applied Underwriter’s EquityComp Program is challenged. A California employer makes allegations of rate fluctuations and loss development factor changes. Are your clients affected? Find out what some say are serious issues with the program, click here …